Pure Original Ingredients Magnesium Chloride (1 lb), Eco-Friendly Packaging, Crystal Powder, Magnesium Supplement

Top Reviews from the United States
    The best price on a liquid magnesium, no expensive purchasing over & over & over, assimilates well
    "I was tired of paying $19.99+ for 8oz bottles of liquid magnesium over and over and over. I'm sure it costs pennies to produce, people ain't rich manufacturers! I liked the magnesium chloride flakes for making my own magnesium oil but wasn't sure I should make an oral supplement out of that so I found this pharmaceutical grade magnesium chloride powder (haha, for all I know they're exactly the same!). The recipe says to use 5t. in 20oz of water (or so) but I use 5t in my 8oz bottle of empty liquid mag from another seller, add filtered water to top it off. Doesn't taste as bad as some of the more concentrated versions. I CAN decide to concentrate it more if I want to take a smaller dose. I usually just pour a half-shot or so of my own particular recipe into my mouth straight from the bottle, not touching it to my lips, my own convenient method, then chase it w/gulps of water. Doesn't burn a hole in my tongue like the more concentrated mag liquids. Doesn't give me any extra trips to the bathroom despite it being more concentrated than suggested. You can also add 1/4t. to your large bottle of water. Will make your water taste more like hard water but I've gotten used to it & actually prefer it now. Can make mag oil out of this powder as well, spraying this on your skin will get mag immediately into your body, useful for sore muscles from unusual physical activity. My mom sprays mag oil on her arthritic wrist and it feels better all day. She has to spray it every day to have this effect.

    I think this form of magnesium is better than pills, I used to take pills of various kinds: Mag citrate, taurate, glycinate (never oxide, cannot assimilate but 4% of it) but feel the liquid is more easily absorbed/bioavailable for the body.
    Magnesium has helped me be done with recurring tendonitis and bursitis from calcification in joints. Dr.'s could not help me with that problem that kept coming around every few years, they scratched their heads and said they did not know what causes calcification in joints. :0/

    Well, after doing my own research I discovered that calcium runs rampant all over your body when not combined with companion supplements that assist in getting the calcium into your bones. (ob/gyn says take 2400mg of calcium--4 GIANT horse pills of calcium, but doesn't say ANYTHING about balancing it properly w/equal amounts of magnesium. I only took 1200 of the calcium horse pills and it caused the calcification in my joints.) The calcium alone has no way to get into your bones, is essentially homeless so it sets up its little homeless tent in your joints until you aggravate it with a lot of physical activity then it gets psst off and inflames your joints until you're a blubbering crying idiot walking around your house in extreme pain if you even THINK about moving that joint. Then your dr. says take 800mg of ibuprofen around the clock to reduce inflammation (which you HAVE to do or die in pain w/useless dangling arm from shoulder tendinitis) until you get GERD from the ibuprofen. At least you're semi-fixed in few months or so because the ibuprofen calmed the inflammation in your joints. But then you have GERD and a whole 'nother health issue to deal with. Long story long, make sure you take magnesium!!!!!, if you're taking calcium. And even if you're not. And if you REALLY want to do your bones a favor, take vitamin D and vitamin K2 with your mag/calcium. That will get the calcium into your bones. Boron doesn't hurt either.

    Magnesium is deficient in nearly every American diet. Cannot get it from stripped soils and weird growing mediums that beautiful (but nutrition-less?) produce is grown in. Even the organic veggies I wonder about, they're grown in strange little containers of whatever growing medium, not good old dirty-dirt enriched m/manure from animals that ate grass.

    Magnesium addresses anxiety (feel tense? is that your normal state? you need magnesium), diabetes, thyroid (both rampant these days), heart problems (fixed my heart palpitations) and atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and more. A lifetime of not having enough magnesium (and other minerals like potassium) takes its toll. Dr's will say its "because you're getting older" because they don't know why you have aches & pains & new illness. Mostly its a lifetime of a mineral-deficient diet & too much sugar. Our bodies truly are magnificent and take so much crap from the SAD (standard American diet) before health problems start to shut it down. I recommend this product"
    It's Mag Chloride.
    "Everyone needs more magnesium. Chloride is the best form, though most people are familiar with sulfite (epsom), chloride is much more easily used by the body.

    Here's some uses I learned from various places. As always, YMMV, you have agency over your actions - take responsibility, and do your own research.

    Add 150g to 1l of water in a spray bottle to make Magneium Oil for topical applications.
    Put a cup in a bath for a good soak.
    Put a pinch in your sports drink for better hydration.
    Use 15g in 1 cup of water as a laxative if having trouble.
    Drink 15g in one liter of water slowly over the day for good health.
    Add pinches along with salting food to boost it."
More About This Item
  • Always Pure; Never any additives or fillers
  • Packaged in Utah, USA

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