ZERO WASTE KIT - 17 PCS Eco Friendly Gift Set with Zero Waste Sustainable Products for the Home & Kitchen. Includes Reusable Products, Food Storage Bags, Beeswax Wraps, Mesh Produce Bags, and Straws. Great gifts for women.

Top Reviews from the United States
    love Love LOVE
    "I was ridiculously excited to find this and was basically waiting at the door for the delivery. 100% worth it. Love love love LOVE this box. The actual box was smaller than I had expected, but every single item inside is top notch. Thus far I have used the straws the most. This box was thoughtfully put together, contains high quality products, provides additional information for each product… I think I am going to make it a personal goal to ensure I gift this box to every single person I know.

    Suggestions? Maybe add some small tester stuff like 2 biodegradable trash bags, and some laundry detergent strips; definitely needs a magnet you can put on your fridge to remind you WHY you are working so hard to make even a teensy difference. Our beautiful unique planet and our future generations deserve it.

    Just like with all quality items, paying more up front will absolutely save you more money in the long run….AND you are helping the planet. Win-win situation if ever there was one.

    Oh! One last thing. Maybe add an insert on planet-friendly fabrics to use? I would love to see this box to grow into your one stop shop on getting people started with information about plastic, trash, landfills, damages we are/have been doing to our planet (such as CFCs) and how small steps that can be taken to fix them, in addition to the awesome products provided.

    Gift that keeps on giving
    "I have a friend/coworker who is as she puts it “horny for the environment”. This was the perfect gift for her in general and as a started because she’s been trying to make the beeswax stuff at home. I see her use at least one part of it every time I see her and her birthday was in January."
    Perfect Zero Waste Swaps
    "Perfect starter kit for being more eco-friendly. The price is also unbeatable for the number of quality products you get. The beeswax clings to itself really well and feels like a tight seal. Same with the zip lock bags, the seal is tight and the bags hold more than you think. The produce bags is what I've used the most already and they come in three sizes. I've also already put one of the straws in my purse to have at all times and it's nice that it came with it's own cleaner. The packaging comes in a box and there's no annoying plastic around everything. Great product and would recommend to anyone!"

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