Eco Laundry Detergent Sheets - 80Loads Laundry Sheets Detergent - Zero Plastic Jugs Washer Sheets - No Mess & Space-Saving Laundry Strips & Travel Laundry Detergent–40 User Friendly Sheets

Top Reviews from the United States
    Great item for the campus food pantry
    "I had the job in late spring to buy items in bulk to support student basic needs for our community college food pantry. It was a worry, buying liquid laundry detergent: sure, students could use that, but what about the scent? Sometimes scents can be overpowering, and the supervisor of the food pantry was reluctant to even consider spending money on laundry detergent because she is very scent-sensitive.

    I did some research, found these, tried them myself first, brought them in to give the supervisor the "sniff test" for these, and she approved! This was a great item, very successful for the food pantry. Takes up almost zero shelf space -- I mean considering the size of just one bottle of liquid, compared to one little packet of these sheets, it's such a win-win.

    This is what I use at home for my own laundry now. For years I've made my own laundry detergent from things like washing soda, salt, grated soap and borax -- swore by that -- but I don't think I'll need to do that anymore. These are great."
    Great scentless waste reducer
    "These leave my clothing entirely scentless. That's very important to me. Also very important is the fact that these reduce my waste stream a great deal. I have to pay to get rid of both my garbage and my recycling, so anything that reduces my waste stream is as good for my budget as it is for the landfills and ocean (remember the Gyres? They're all getting bigger and killing more fish and aquatic mammals all the time!).

    Good stuff. Easy to dole out for any size laundry equipment, including the new tiny two-drum washers. TOTALLY scentless; they don't make me choke and my eyes burn like all the perfumed ones do."
    A big surprise in a little sheet!
    "I have been using this product for about a month. I like how it got my laundry clean even the dirty work clothes. I had a one time experience where the sheet didn't dissolve as they have in the past. There was a glob of partially dissolveed soap sheet on the side of the tub, so I just reran the load. For the next load, I dissolved the sheet in some warm water. It was not a big deal. I only had to do this twice. It is not a deal breaker for me and will buy it again. I also noticed that it always suds up when washing."
More About This Item
  • Zero Plastic Packaging Waste Laundry - All detergents promise thorough cleaning but our laundry sheets detergent add the additional promise of zero waste packaging. Our sheets completely dissolve in a matter of seconds and work great in hot or cold cycles. Each pack contains 40 sheets for up to 80 loads. Heavily soiled loads may require two full sheets.
  • Every Little Bit Counts - Reduce your dependence on plastic jugs even in the smallest ways like doing your weekly laundry. Over 700 million plastic laundry detergent liquid jugs get discarded every year. By using our laundry sheets, you are doing your part to help reduce this number.

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