Cloud Paper Bamboo Facial Tissues Box - Single Bamboo Tissue Boxes, 100 Hypoallergenic Facial Tissues per Box - Unscented, Fragrance-Free, Eco-Friendly Tissues in Plastic-Free Packaging

Top Reviews from the United States
    Like the tissues; don’t like the packaging.
    "I like these tissues. I’ve used other brands of bamboo tissues, and these are fairly comparable for softness and strength (no bamboo tissues I’ve tried are comparable in softness to the softest paper tissues). I use multiple tissues a day, and do not find these tissues too rough, and they are strong enough, and have no odor.
    They are on the pricey side, but I decided to try them because they are one of the few bamboo tissue brands that I could find on Amazon that has paperboard, not plastic, packaging. I looked forward to being able to put the boxes into my paper and cardboard recycling.
    To my great disappointment, the paperboard packages the Cloud Paper tissues come in have a thin layer of plastic sealed to the top of the paperboard. And the packages are not labeled to indicate whether they are recyclable. Perhaps they *are* recyclable, but plastic that is intermingled in paper that is recycled makes low-quality recycled paper, and toxic substances can cling to plastic, which I believe would degrade the quality of plastic-contaminated recycled paper even more. The cardboard boxes that the tissue boxes are shipped in by Cloud Paper are also sealed with tape that appears to be a paper/plastic composite of some sort.
    Also disappointing: the ends of at least half of the tissue boxes are only partially sealed (some of the places where the overlapping ends of the boxes were glued together have separated), so if one plans to store unopened boxes in a cupboard that might be visited by bugs or spiders, those small critters would be able to crawl inside the unopened boxes and make nests in them, etc. So if the layer of plastic on the paperboard boxes is meant to protect the boxes from the elements, it’s not doing much to protect the tissues inside the boxes.
    Finally, I don’t like that Cloud Paper, based in Washington state according to its website, is opaque about where it is getting the bamboo the tissues are made of, let alone where the packaging materials come from. There is nothing on the boxes to indicate the source of the bamboo, nor is there even a mailing address for Cloud Paper. The company’s website says the bamboo comes from responsibly managed forests in areas where bamboo grows natively, which language just strikes me as coy. But the website also says there is no plastic in their packaging, and that the packaging is both recyclable and compostable. So what is the thin plastic layer sealed to the top of the tissue boxes’ paperboard? Is it plastic, even though the website says the packaging has no plastic, or is it some sort of very strong compostable film that is much stronger than compostable trash bags that start to degrade pretty quickly when they get wet? I’ve had a segment of the plastic top layer from one of the tissue boxes sitting in a bowl of water for over 1/2-hour, and it is not noticeably degrading. I don’t know what I should do with the boxes once they’re empty. The website says we can call Cloud Paper if we’re concerned about how to recycle their packaging, and I may do that. But I think the boxes should be labeled to indicate whether and how they are recyclable or compostable, and I think we shouldn’t have to call a supposedly eco-conscious company to find out how to dispose of their tissue boxes, and I think we should be able to trust what the company says on its website.
    I don’t plan to purchase Cloud Paper products again. Back to searching for another bamboo tissue brand that comes in actual recyclable paper or paperboard packages."
    A little bit tougher than expected
    "Like the size which is regular size of tissue but when you are sick they are a little tough on your nose but not a thin tissue"
    Nice product!
    "I like these tissues and will order them again. I would recommend this product to anyone shopping for "Kleen-X" type tissues; they stay intact and don't come apart in your hands."
More About This Item
  • ????Why bamboo? Bamboo is a type of grass (not a tree!), and is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world. It reaches harvest maturity in 3 years, and similar to mowing your lawn, doesn't need to be replanted after harvest to continue growing.
  • ???? This paper saves trees: Switching to bamboo tissue boxes reduces demand on old-growth forests, which are the primary source of fibers for soft paper products such as facial tissues.

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