Nature Clean Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaners Strips 3 x 36 count, Plastic-Free Packaging, Refresh Toilets & Bathroom. No Splash.

Top Reviews from the United States
    Not quite perfect
    "I love the concept of these strips - less packaging, no spilling, no plastic bottles - but I still need my toilet clean. I'm finding after a few weeks of use that I still need to use a traditional product or the toilet accumulates a brownish stain at the base of the bowl. It may be unique to our water supply, but this was not a problem using traditional cleaners. My current solution is to use the strips for normal cleaning and once a month, or whenever needed, I'll revert to my former liquid/bleach bowl cleaner. This is reducing my reliance on plastic but not eliminating it. I may try a different brand of strips for my next order to see if they are any better."
    Just okay.
    "This product is okay but lacking in real cleaning ability. I have only used in once to be fair. I like that they are just strips and I am not lugging gallon jugs of bleach around though. So it is convenient. So far okay."
    excellent product
    "This is the future everyone I absolutely love these little sheets that I can use to clean the toilet -they work! I No longer need those stupid plastic bottles that doesn’t even really work well. Just bad for the planet. You just drop one of these sheets in the toilet let it dissolve and clean! Use less plastic you’re helping the planet and you don’t have to store some ugly plastic container. This is space savings and environmental - doesn’t get better than that! Switch over."

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